
Welcome to my Blog. I do Watercolors, Angels, Cards and Collage everyday. Here are some of my creations.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Day 5---Sketchbook Collage

Linda's Garage Sale this morning. It was rainy. It was wet. It was fun!

This year Linda, Sue and I have been meeting up on the last Friday of the month. This is good. Old friends are good. (Our history goes back 30 years---We all started working at Hewitt Associates in 1979!) It's nice to have friends with history.

I didn't make it to the studio today. I spent most of the afternoon cleaning in the basement. Did you know that cleaning can be like a collage treasure hunt? I found glitter---lots of glitter. (3 different stashes---sorry Lizzie no pink!) I didn't use it in todays collage but maybe next week. Glitter only works in moderation.

Did you know that a CD is almost 5 inches across. (4.75" to be correct) Since my trusty template was at the studio I used a CD and a ruler and I did this collage is in my sketchbook.

Women Artists
4.75" x 4.75"
Magazine, Scrapbook Paper, Prismacolor Pencil and Ink with gluestick on paper

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 4 of 40 Days of Collage

Good Day!
Rainy Day!
Clean Up Day!
One hour at the studio Day!

My simple rules. . .

1. Do at least one collage a day.
2. Spend no more than 15 minutes.
(This may be a stupid rule because I am not going to time myself.)
3. Do one hour of cleaning my clutter a day. (My DH's new rule!)
4. Blog each night.
My glue and my 5"x 5" template.
Red Hat
5" x 5" collage

My daughter said she liked the feather hair of Day 2 collage A Friend and Oak Leaves below.

Oh what a good idea! A feather for hair. But it turned into a red feathered hat. Those of you who know me, know I don't put faces on most of my ladies and angels---Today she has a face. I don't really like her face. Maybe that's why I never put faces on them.

Blue Hair
5" x 5" collage

The hair moves. (That is why I posted 2 views.)

This one is for Lydia, my DD's BFF. She is on a plane to Bulgaria right now for a semester abroad. She will not be back until January 4, 2010. She is in my prayers. We will miss her but can't wait to hear about her treasures and experiences.
Speaking of Lydia. Our family sent her off with an UGLY DOLL. Have you heard of these? http://www.uglydolls.com/ I want all of them! After 6 text messages and photos we gifted her Mr. Kasoogi . So kewl.
Oh and did I say I found $40 cash while cleaning today.
Happy Day!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 3---3 Collages

Today I did 2 more collages and I scaned in my collage from Tuesday.

Messy House with New Blue Door
5" x 5" collage

Yes my house is a mess, and I have a new blue door.

The City Wife
5" x 5" collage
(Still thinking about the movie last night)

A Friend & Oak Leaves
5" x 5" collage

Three days of collage, 37 to go.

A messy house.

Looking forward to tomorrow.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day Two

Today did not go as planned. Got to the studio at 11:00 decided to do my collage first thing. Then got a call from the electrican. Left everything undone and at the studio. Will have to finish and scan tomorrow.

Went to the movies with the girls and saw The Time Travelers Wife. It was good, sad but good.

Tomorrow I will be back on track.

Monday, August 24, 2009

What I did today

First is my collage from today.
5" x 5"
Yes, one of her wings is from my yellow maple tree.
It was the last thing I did today before coming home.
Next is my watercolor.
Angel in the Storm
5" x 9"

Last is a watercolor I did early this spring. It is 9"x 12".
Three Angels out on the Lake
I like having these angels grounded but with water all around them.
They are ready and waiting to fly off when needed.


August 24 Day ONE

Okay, my first day at full time art at the studio.

My plan for the next 40 days---I am going to do a 5 inch x 5 inch collage everyday. REALLY!

In 40 days I will be meeting up with my art girl friends at Art and Soul in Portland OR. Can't wait.

In the meantime I am going to post art that I have worked on or finished at the studio every day.

ALL I NEED to do now is scan today's work and download OR do I mean upload. Okay I am just going to post this and work on scanning todays art now. NOTE TO SELF Scan art work first then write dailey blog.

I can do this.
The image on the left is my painting at Deerpath Gallery this month. I know I need to go in and edit it so it rotates to the correct way.
The art I did today is still on the kitchen counter I am going to scan, upload and post that next. Who knew there was so many things to make right before blogging.
